The "Kitchen sink" IV developed by Baltimore physician John Meyers. Beneficial for a large range of conditions. 1L normal saline
Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium
Dont let night of overindulgence ruin your weekend vacation, or early meeting the following day. Hangover can prouce headaches, nausea, and diarrhea. The use of IV therapy at the Clinic can eliminate these symptoms and expedite the recovery process.
1 Litter of normal saline
Tradol, zofran
Weekend warriorsyougis, and athletes of all kinds use IV therapy to perform better and recover faster. Our Clinic services are not exclusive to professional or extreame athletes and can be used pre and post activity. Avoid Cramping and achieve new personal best.
1 Litter Saline
While Traveling, normal havits like sleeping eating, drinking, and physical activity are altered. First signs of dehyderation is fatigue which happens with or without travel. Airplanes recirculate air and dehumidify their cabins.
Come to our clinic to refill your body tank
1 litter of saline
Methyl B12
Vitamin C
On a average only 20% of even the best multi-vitamins and supplements are being absorbed into your body when taken orally. Adding a regular regimen of IV nutient therapy, at our clinic can prevent dehydration and bitamin defeciency.
Tired and Fatigue ? come see us get energy special treat
Its no surprise that your body needs an increas of fluids when you are feeling under the weather.
Dont just wait for 3 days to pass , come see us we have solution for you.
We make sure you skin is well hydrated.
Wrinkles, blemishes, acne, dry skin, and other signs of premature aging can all be improved with adequate hyderation. Topical skin care produces are more effective when your skin is well hydrated from the inside out.